- Wikipedia: John Henry Newman
- Catholic Enyclopedia: John Henry Newman Barry, W. (1911). John Henry Newman. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
- One Step is Enough for Me: the life of John Henry Newman, by Colin Battell, Prior and Dean of Hospitality at Ampleforth Abbey. Spero News. September 22, 2010.
- Who was John Henry Newman? - An Interview with Father Carleton Jones, O.P. The Dominican Province of St. Joseph. August 25, 2010. (Father Carleton Jones, O.P., wrote his Doctoral Dissertation on Newman while studying at the Angelicum University in Rome. After fourteen years in the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Father Jones became a Roman Catholic in 1982, entered the Dominican Order, and was ordained in 1987).
- “Cor ad cor loquitur” John Henry Cardinal Newman’s Coat of Arms July 2, 2008 (Newman Friends International).
Societies and Organizations
- The Cardinal Newman Society (Newman Legacy Project)
- Newman Association of America
- The International Center of Newman Friends
- Oxford University Newman Society

- Proclamation of John Henry Cardinal Newman as Venerable January 22, 1991.
- The Cause for the Canonisation of John Henry Cardinal Newman
- The Newman Reader The purpose of Newman Reader (NR) is to make the written works of Cardinal Newman available in as complete and accessible a manner as resources allow. To this end, the site provides three types of content: Written works themselves; Guides to the works such as indexes, lists and reading suggestions; ; Biographical information to supplement and provide perspective for the works, and statements from Popes and others that place Newman's life in perspective.
Articles / Addresses on the Thought of John Henry Newman
- Newman and the Idea of Sanctity, Edward Short. Catholic World Report "Though writing in the 19th century, Bl. John Henry Newman anticipated the fervor of today’s evangelical atheists who seek to disabuse us of what they consider the illusions of faith." (February 21, 2014).
- A Hero of the Church Eamon Duffy. (Review of John Cornwell's Newman's Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint). New York Review of Books December 23, 2010.
- Newman and Benedict XVI: A Common Approach, by Andrea Kirk Assaf. Interview with Archbishop Nichols of Westminster. (Zenit November 25, 2010).
- Benedict XVI's Message to Newman Conference: "He Was Always Honest in the Search for Truth" translation of the message Benedict XVI sent to the participants in the symposium organized in Rome by the "International Center of Newman Friends" on the topic: "The Primacy of God in the Life and Writings of Blessed John Henry Newman." (November 22, 2010)
- Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman. Theology and Holiness Lectio Magistralis, Fabio Attard SDB. Ratisbonne, Jerusalem. October 14, 2010. (Newman Friends International)
- Pope Benedict XVI's Homily at Beatification of Cardinal Newman: "He Lived Out a Profoundly Human Vision of Priestly Ministry" (September 19, 2010)
- The Influence of John Henry Newman on Benedict XVI, by Tracey Rowland. ABC Religion and Ethics | 16 Sep 2010. "Few English speakers seem to realise the extent to which Newman influenced German Catholic thought in the first half of the twentieth century, and particularly the theology of Joseph Ratzinger."
- Newman's defence of the Church: The Tracts for the Times, by Austin Cooper. ABC Religion and Ethics | 16 Sep 2010.
- That we should succeed by failure: Newman's Biglietto speech, by Ian Ker. ABC Religion and Ethics | 20 Sep 2010. On 12 May 1879, John Henry Newman received from the secretary of state the biglietto, or note, informing him that at the consistory that morning, the new Pope Leo XIII had elevated him to the college of cardinals. In response, Newman gave his famous so-called biglietto speech.
- The “Blessed Vision of Peace”: Newman’s Love for the Church Sr. Kathleen Dietz, FSO. Conference at the National Newman Conference 2010, Newman Association of America, Pittsburgh August 6, 2010. (Newman Friends International)
- Newman’s Mariology and his personal development Sr. Lutgart Govaert FSO. December 19, 2009. (Newman Friends International)
- The Cardinalate of John Henry Newman Snider Carlo. June 22, 2009. (Newman Friends International)
- A Glimpse Into the Soul of Newman | By Fr. Zeno, O.F.M., Cap. | An excerpt from "The Soul of Newman" (Chapter Twelve), from John Henry Newman: His Inner Life.
- "The Mystery of Newman" Lay Witness (March/April, 2009).
- COMPILATION: Thoughts of Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) about John Henry Newman October 21, 2008. (Newman Friends International)
- Newman as a Convert and Counsellor of Converts, by Fr. Peter Willi, Rome. October 21, 2008. (Newman Friends International)
- “It is by the Christians that the World is Held Together”: The Christian in the World According to John Henry Newman and to The Letter to Diognetus Sr. Kathleen Marie Dietz FSO. August 13, 2008 (Newman Friends International)
- Newman and the Question of the Church Sr. Kathleen Marie Dietz. June 13, 2008 (Newman Friends International)
- The Enduring Relevance of Newman’s Vision of Hope Philip Boyce, O.C.D., Bishop of Raphoe. Source: Conoscere Newman. Introduzione alle opere, Urbania University Press, Città del Vaticano 2002, pp. 15-33. (Newman Friends International)
- Newman's Idea of a University and its Relevance to Catholic Higher Education, by Avery Cardinal Dulles. Address to the Cardinal Newman Society on November 10, 2001 upon receipt of the John Henry Newman Award for distinguished service to Catholic higher education. [PDF]
- Why John Henry Newman converted to Catholicism, by Michael Davies. AD2000 Vol 14 No 4 (May 2001), p. 10.
- John Paul II´s letter on the occasion of the Second Centenary of the birth of Cardinal John Henry Newman January 22, 2001. (Zenit)
- Newman’s Essay on the Development of Doctrine: An Alternative Interpretation, by Martin Brüske. Communio: International Catholic Review 28, no. 4 (2001): 695-707. [PDF]
- Newman, the Councils, and Vatican II Communio: International Catholic Review 28, no. 4 (2001): 708-28. [PDF]
- The Conversion of John Henry Newman, by Peter A. Kwasniewski. (The Catholic Faith January/February 1999).
- The Significance of Newman's Conversion Ian Ker. Communio: International Catholic Review 22, no. 3 (1995): 433-45. [PDF]
- Newman: Laity, Priesthood, And Holiness, by Fr. C. John McCloskey, III. A paper presented at the Academic Celebration on the 150th anniversary of the conversion of John Henry Newman: Christendom College, Front Royal, Virginia, October 9, 1995.
- Presentation by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on the occasion of the First Centenary of the Death of John Henry Cardinal Newman April 28, 1990.
- Newman on Infallibility, by Avery Cardinal Dulles. Theological Studies 51.3 (1990) 434-449. [PDF]
- Newman, Conversion, and Ecumenism Theological Studies 51.4 (1990) 717-731. [PDF]
- Newman Refutes Contemporary Liberal Theologians, by Fr. Edward J. Berbusse, S.J. Homiletic & Pastoral Review January 1984.
News / Editorials
- 10/21/10: Oscar-winning actor to star in Newman biopic Catholic Herald October 21, 2010.
- 10/06/10: Newman's Faith, by George Weigel. (First Things "On The Square")
- 10/06/10: John Henry Newman's last act of friendship, by Mark Vernon. (The Guardian)
- 9/23/10: UK Hearts Opened to Message of Faith and Reason: Interview With Newman Scholar Joseph Pearce (Zenit)
- 9/23/10: Cardinal Newman: Doctor of the Church? - Biographer Says Beatification Was Just 1st Step (Zenit)
- 9/21/10: John Cornwell's Hijacking of John Henry Newman by the Rev. Robert Barron. (ABC News)
- 9/22/10: John Henry Newman had an unlikely part in The Lord of the Rings Christopher Howse makes the unusual connection. (The Telegraph)
- 9/21/10: The Real John Henry Newman, by William Doino. (First Things' "First Thoughts")
- 09/21/10: Newman's seminal work had its roots in Dublin (Irish Times)
- 09/20/10: Cardinal Newman’s second miracle is examined in Mexico Postulator of the Cause of John Henry Newman has said he is already studying the second miracle. (Catholic Herald)
- 09/19/10: Dispatch from pope's UK trip: Benedict's beatification controversy John Allen Jr. (Special to CNN)
- 09/19/10: Vatican 'confident' about future canonization of Newman Speaking to journalists less than an hour after Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman's beatification, Vatican spokesman Fr. Lombardi expressed confidence in his being canonized. There is a "concrete possibility," also, that he will be made a "doctor of the Church." (Catholic News Agency)
- 09/15/10: Feast day for Cardinal Newman has ecumenical implications Newman's feast day is Oct. 9 -- not the date of his death, which is typical for feast days, but the date of his passage from Anglicanism into the Catholic Church.(Catholic News Service)
- 09/15/10: Newman Legacy Project to Preserve Manuscripts: Society Leads Pilgrimage to Beatification Ceremony (Zenit)
- 09/15/10: Cardinal Newman's Challenge to the Laity: Interview With Author Father Juan R. Vélez (Zenit)
- 09/15/10: Newman vestments to be shown to the Pope (Catholic Herald)
- 09/14/10: Catholic officials to investigate claims of second Newman miracle (Catholic News Service).
- 09/13/10: Cardinal Newman's beatification could be teaching moment for colleges, by Carol Zimmerman. (Catholic News Service)
- 09/10/10: Celebration of Cardinal Newman's feast day will break from tradition (Catholic News Service)
- 09/07/10: Pope to highlight ongoing relevance of Newman in visit to Britain (Catholic News Service)
- 09/07/10:
Cardinal Newman’s journey from the shadows to beatification Father Thomas Rosica. (National Post)
- 09/02/10: Dr. William Oddie: "The lie that Newman was cold and aloof needs to be hit on the head" (Catholic Herald)
- 08/26/10: Newman’s feast day will be October 9 (Catholic Herald)
- 08/19/10: Newman’s belongings to go on display in Birmingham (Catholic Herald)
- 08/18/10: Scholars revisit Newman’s Idea of a University An academic conference on Newman at Liverpool Hope University has been arranged to coincide with the papal visit in September. (Catholic Herald)
- 08/11/10: Shawn Tribe: "We should not forget Newman’s Dublin connection" (Catholic Herald)
- 07/30/10: Archbishop Longley looks forward to Newman beatification (Catholic Herald)
- 07/29/10: Three Shrines for Newman The forthcoming beatification of John Henry, Cardinal Newman has led to some significant architectural commissions. (Catholic Herald)
- 07/27/10: Healed Deacon to Assist at Newman Beatification (Zenit)
- 07/27/10: Stamp of Approval for Cardinal Newman and the Papal Visit (Peter Jennings)
- 07/26/10: Deacon Jack Sullivan to Proclaim Gospel at Mass for Cardinal Newman Beatification (Peter Jennings)
- 07/25/10: Newman, Sophie Scholl, and Joseph Ratzinger, by Carl Olson. (Insight Scoop)
- 07/21/10: Cardinal Newman's letters to young nun made public (National Catholic Reporter)
- 07/16/10: Pope tells archbishop he is looking forward to beatification (Catholic Herald)
- 07/14/10: Fr Ian Ker brings clarity to the question of Newman and his male friends (Catholic Herald)
- 05/11/10: "Absurd" Attack on Newman Miracle Condemned: Article Falsely Portrays Cardinal as Liberal Dissident (Zenit)
- 05/06/10: Cardinal Newman's Motto Chosen for Pope's UK Visit (Zenit)
- 03/16/10: Oratorians Welcome News of Founder's Beatification (Zenit)
- 07/09/09: Newman: Doctor of Post-Conciliar Church? Scholar Affirms Cardinal's Understanding of Catholic History (Zenit)
- 07/03/09: Miracle Healing Advances Cardinal Newman's Cause: Birmingham Oratory Prepares for Beatification (Zenit)
- 07/03/09: Pope Approves Cardinal Newman Miracle (Zenit)
- 11/30/08: A Cardinal's Correspondence: Interview With Editor of Newman Letters Project (Zenit).
- 10/22/08: Cardinal Newman: Doctor of the Church? - Father Ian Ker on the Priest’s Cause, Teachings (Zenit)
- 09/04/08: Cardinal John Henry Newman Faithfully Celibate Oxford Professor Ian Ker Responds to Media Rumors. (Zenit)
- 08/26/08: Cardinal Newman's Body to Be Moved - Postulator Expects Beatification in 2009 (Zenit)
- 08/22/08: Moving Cardinal Newman's body runs into controversy (National Catholic Reporter)
- 10/27/05: Newman's Papal Influence - New Book Focuses on British Cardinal (Zenit)
- 11/20/01: Cardinal Newman´s Postulator Dies (Zenit)
- 04/04/21: Newman Text Chosen for Stations of the Cross, On Second Centenary of English Cardinal´s Birth (Zenit)
- 02/27/01: John Paul II Hails Life of John Henry Newman: Synthesis of Faith and Reason (Zenit)